Friday, February 20, 2009

I finally did it!

So i finally made a blog! I have know idea what I'm doing but whatever.

So Porter is doing this new thing where he pretends to take our ears off and eat them its really cute. I have know idea where he got that from. I'm sure it was uncle Matt or Pop. Jackson is still as cute as can be. He is such a good baby. He is starting to smile a ton. Porter just can't leave him alone. Here is a picture of Mitch and Jack this last week when we were grilling outside.
And while we were grillng Porter found a barbie doll some where and started playing with it. Mitch loved it (Not).


  1. You guys are too cute!
    Love the Barbie boy!
    Better buy that kid a shotgun, quick!

  2. Yay! hey hayley! i'm so excited to see whats happening in your life!
